Don’t take that headline the wrong way. I still adore The Walking Dead. I just want a little more zombie killing and to put our characters or guest characters under a bit more stress. Dealing with kids in an action based adult story is the fastest way to drag it down. We have not one story featuring a kid but two. One is unbelievably lost as in I can’t believe that anyone could get that lost. I suspect that that Sophie will be found and will return in the most dramatic fashion to jerk the most tears then her mom will die. Then there is Carl and his gunshot predicament. As soon as Mr. McPudge (Thank you Stephanie) shot a little boy we knew he was going to die a horrible zombified death but we had to work to get to it though. Through sobbing, blood transfusions, PB&Js, and long lost stories we find out that Carl needs something that can only be found only in a zombie infested place. They approach it and execute their plan in the most ridiculous way possible only for Shane to pull the “I just have to be faster than you” dick move in order to get the gear to the kid. Blah, blah, blah folks! Let’s either kill the kids or get them found/healed. I want more action and more zombies. …and let’s get Morgan back. We’ve seen Rick trying to reach him all last season, it would be great to see him enter and save the crew blazing glory style.

The CDC has been destroyed but there has to be some other research facility working on zombie outbreak virus. I’d like to know how the virus began à la Resident Evil and I don’t mind if they drag out the mystery of it awhile longer. Andrea is still sulking because she is mad that Dale took away her choice to die. We can only pray that her middle-aged angst blows over soon lest she falls in love with a zombie that sparkles in the daylight. Redneck Daryl is turning out to be lovable like the rednecks here in Texas because heck, our rednecks are better than your rednecks… Daryl has saved T-Dog’s life by slapping a corpse over his body and giving him his brother’s clap prescription. That and his kick ass archery makes me want to fly a Confederate flag. Yeehaw! T-Dog is facing the fact that black people tend to die first when horror situations arise. We are little scared for him because we know that the entertainment gods strictly adhere to this rule. He should remember that Jaqui already died. Maybe her death has satisfied the horror gods. I guess if Morgan shows up, T-Dog should start worrying.

Two standout scenes this season was the zombie herd and the gutting of the zombie. People have also noticed that the zombies seem a bit faster than usual. It brings up the age old Romero Zombies vs. The 28 Days Later Zombies debate; Shamblers vs. Runners if you will. I think that our Walking Dead zombies have always been “runners”. I just think that in the last few episodes that they’ve been extra enthusiastic about getting a meal.

For the love of Pete! Will someone just tell Rick that Shane and Lori were screwing around? I’m exhausted with the whole thing secret thing. It’s keeping us from killing zombies. I do want to know if Shane still feels like he has to leave. After his emotional GI Jane hair cutting scene, I suspect he’s going to stick around because he feels that he is needed. I think he will become more volatile because not only is he carrying around the guilt of sleeping with his best friend’s wife, he has now killed Mr. McPudge to save his own ass under the guise of doing the right thing for Carl. I think Shane will die a horrible zombie death. I also totally think that the zombies will breach the bucolic house just as Carl is stabilized. I wonder who all is going to die and who all will be added to our wandering bunch of survivors.

Listen to us talk in great detail about this season of The Walking Dead on the Sci-Fi Party Line Podcast.

The Walking Dead airs Sunday nights 9/8c on AMC.