
In its eighth season, Supernatural is starting to show its age. I knew when Dean came back from purgatory that we were going to be in for a season of cranky, self-righteous Dean. Sam is as weak as ever but this time, after knowing what he has gone through, I understand where he is coming from. In Sam eyes, Dean was dead so there was nothing left for him to do so he found a girl, a dog and a normal life. He’d lost everyone. Of course he didn’t want to hunt anymore. It was irresponsible of him to leave Kevin hanging. It was terrible of him to bury his head in the sand and pretend like demons weren’t running amok. The worst part of this scenario is that we’ve been here before. Dean has already come back from a supernatural plane with PTSD. Sam is always trying to have a normal life. They are always saving the world. At season 8, they need to switch it up. I’m not saying to go Stargate: SG1 and go Merlin/King Arthur/Lucian Alliance/Ori on us but let’s get something different; something more epic.

Kevin’s mom is funny. Kevin is mildly amusing but I’m ready for him to be free. Garth is always endearing. It was heartbreaking and amazing that he began filling the role of Bobby. Crowley is good but he needs to end the world or go away. His threats are tiresome… and that’s coming from a loyal Mark Sheppard fan! All of the characters we love are gone. The established dynamic with those characters are gone. We loved Bobby, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Ash, Rufus, hell Jefferey Dean Morgan a’int doing much BRING BACK DADDY WINCHESTER!

Bitten” had to be the worst episode of Supernatural that I’ve seen in awhile. If not the worst, it was the least enjoyable for me. I can see how some people would like it but I just kept waiting for it to be over. Supernatural has done a found footage episode before, “Ghostfacers”, but it was funny and well paced. This episode was different and artistic but dull. “Blood Brother” was excellent. I love digging into Benny’s back story. It was sad how he had to “dispatch” his own girlfriend. Castiel… I want him to get it together because the despondent angel bit is old. I do enjoy that Amanda Tapping has joined the cast this season. I can’t wait to find out what she is up to. Is she good or bad? Only time will tell. We are nine episodes into the season and I’m concerned because the writer’s boredom is showing. I hope I am wrong and they are saving the good stuff for the remainder of the season. Oddly enough I can’t wait for more. Somehow, I know the writers are teasing me and the remainder of the season will be amazing.

Supernatural airs Wednesdays 9/8c on CW and streams on and Hulu.