I want an iPhone. I currently have a BlackBerry Curve with T-Mobile and my two-year contract will end in December.

I recently found out that the iPhone had a camera but no flash. It’s not a deal breaker but I just couldn’t understand why/how they could make a phone with no damned flash. It held me up from breaking my contract and rushing out to get an iPhone.

…then comes along Verizon’s Motorola Droid. The “iDon’t” commercial amplified all of the things that worry me about getting an iPhone. (That and I love to make a fuss about purchases like these.) I was getting sucked into the hype until I actually saw the unit. It’s… well… ugly. (I’m really sorry Motorola. xoxo) QWERTY keyboards were a “must-have” for me back when I first bought my BlackBerry Curve. I’ve gotten used to the idea of a touch screen so the slide out keyboards actually annoy me. The biggest thing the Droid release did is make me reconsider WHEN I want to buy my iPhone. Do I want to get it next month when my contract is over? Or do I want to wait until July when the new iPhone comes out just so I can have the latest iPhone? Droid points out that the iPhone doesn’t have a flash. Will iPhone 4 have a flash now that it’s been called out? If I do get my phone in December, I’ll miss out on standing in a long line in front of the AT&T or Apple store just so that I can have it on the first day. I’ve always wanted a gadget experience like that. I want to wait until July but waiting means being tortured with my BlackBerry Curve for 7 or so more months. I was totally in love with the Curve TWO years ago, now it feels like it’s from the 80’s.

Then there’s AT&T. I’ve come to terms with having to be an AT&T customer. I had a beef with them awhile ago but it’s been so long that I can’t even remember what it was about. I use them for my internet service and my internet is always up. I don’t think I’ve had one outage in a year & half… not even during Hurricane Ike. My mom has issues sometimes and makes me talk to AT&T customer service, that is the weakest part of AT&T. Their customer service stinks! T-Mobile has been a perfect service up until about two months ago. The outages are becoming more frequent and noticed by more people. I even had to call in to customer service (which was awesome and professional btw) to complain about the network being down.

Either way it’s iPhone so wait until December or wait until July?

I’m leaning towards July.