On the last episode, Sookie discovers that she is a fairy, of the fae or sometimes called an alien. Fairy blood is highly delectable; so delectable in fact that they were made extinct by vampires. This means that Sookie’s cousin Hadley’s son is also a fairy boy. I wonder if Claudine and the other fairies are corporeal? If they are, I foresee another fairy genocide.

I wonder will Sookie be able to fly. This also explains her love of skimpy clothing. Think: Tinkerbell.

Jason’s new love Crystal is a cat! I guess it can be said that Jason REALLY loves pussy. If they don’t make that joke on the show, I’ll be disappointed. Also, cats are vain, regal creatures. It’s interesting that Crystal’s family is so trailer park. My cats would not approve.

Lafayette and Jesus go on a V trip. They traveled through Jesus’s family and learned about his family of witches and healers. They also discovered some witches in Lafayette’s family tree. It was the most directed and meaningful trip that I’ve ever seen. For Jesus to have practically chastised Lafayette for being a drug dealer, he sure did seem like an expert user.

Russell Edgington. This man is a king for godssake. His murder/ rant on TV was legendary. His sleeping with a manwhore and pretending he was Talbot was not. Yay for seeing Talbot once more. Boo for being creeptacular.

My final thought is that if Eric Northman dies, the show will suffer. They just can’t do it. I don’t want them to hint at it either. All this will-making business is stressing me out. I need to know that I will see a shirtless, sometimes ass-out Eric Northman every season.

Sookie Fairy picture credit.