Short answer: No.
Long answer: If Joss Whedon wasn’t involved, hell no.

Weeping Whedon
Weeping Whedon

According to The Hollywood Reporter, FOX has only ordered 13 episodes of Dollhouse and isn’t ordering any more.

I like Eliza Dushku. I’ve liked her every since I first saw her portray Faith on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Is Dollhouse her best, most compelling performance? Well… There have been good things and bad things… and we’ll leave it at that.

Eliza isn’t the only person affected by this cancellation. There are some amazing actors in this show such as Harry Lennix, Tahmoh Penikett, Olivia Williams, Reed Diamond and Amy Acker. There were other new faces that grew on me as well; Enver Gjokaj, Fran Kranz and Miracle Laurie. I’d like to thank of of the actors and crew for being part of a show that gave my friends and me something to talk about. Good luck on your future projects.

As far as the show is concerned, Dollhouse has it’s problems. It seems as if viewers weren’t entirely comfortable with the “dolls” being glorified prostitutes. I’m not a prude, prostitutes make for great stories but there was just something off in it’s execution. It was mildly amusing for a few episodes then it got tired. There were some cast chemistry issues at first but then they seemed to smooth out over time. Most of the characters became likeable and had the ability to evoke emotion in the viewer. (meaning I cried like a little girl sometimes) There was a big build up to the appearance of Alpha as portrayed by Alan Tudyk. It was a huge let down for me so much so that I don’t remember how the whole thing was resolved. The famed 13th unaired episode, Epitaph One was a let down for me as well. I got it. It was clever. It was just too much.

The second season has been a bit better. The promise of an appearance by Summer Glau has kept some interested. She will be in episodes The Public Eye and The Left Hand.

It’s sad to see any science fiction show canceled; especially a Joss Whedon science fiction show. We saw this coming though. The ratings weren’t great and Dollhouse is on FOX. To FOX’s credit, they gave the show a second season when they had every reason to cancel it in the first. I have to agree with their decision on this show. I won’t be joining any campaigns for this one.

Dollhouse returns Dec. 4 @ 8/7c on FOX.

Dollhouse website on FOX
List of Dollhouse Episodes