Stargate Universe: I want to like it. I really do.
[Update after viewing “Water“: SGU is growing on me.]

When I first heard that a new Stargate show was being made, I was ecstatic. The Stargate: Continuum movie was so good that I just knew that this new series was going to be fun, action packed and full of adventure.

Boy was I wrong.

I remained spoiler free for Stargate Universe because I didn’t want to have any expectations. This usually works in my favor but not this time. I must admit that I had a bad reaction to the pilot episode. Everything seem rushed and all over the place: all of the characters seemed generic, I didn’t know who I was supposed to care about and the flashbacks threw me off. I was horrified to find that the show felt like Battlestar Galactica and I honestly didn’t know what I was watching.

From Joseph Malozzi’s blog:

SGU is NOT SG-1 or Atlantis.  It’s a different show in terms of tone and characters.  If you’re expecting flawless people, square-jawed heroes, and stories that set up and deliver all the answers over the course of a forty-five minute episode, you WILL be disappointed.  And DON’T expect that to change.  If you don’t like the character interactions, romance, and open-ended story elements introduced to date, you’re in for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong haul because that’s our show.

After reading the above statement, all of my complaints about the show seem pointless. I was going to write in detail why this show wasn’t like SG1 or Atlantis but it is no longer necessary. I do wish that if they were going to choose a tone for the show that it wasn’t like Battlestar Galactica. After giving it a few episodes, I think SGU has a strong enough story and doesn’t need to be styled like BSG. I hope they eventually break free of it.

I still maintain that the Stargate galaxy, SG1 and Atlantis started out fun and action- packed so the writers should expect a little fussing from the fans. I understand that the writers and producers are making a product that makes them happy but if you are not making this show for people like me, then who?

Me not really liking SGU really bothers me.
It feels a little weird saying that I’m not going to watch a show that has space ships, aliens, gadgets and guns because it’s too dark, depressing and/or overly dramatic. The ratings are off the chart for Stargate Universe so someone is watching and enjoying it. I mentioned in an episode of Sci-Fi Party Line that I actually feel guilty for not liking this incarnation of Stargate. I felt guilty because I could see the hard work  that went into the sets, casting, writing and wardrobe. I can see all of the sweat and tears that are put into this show but for some reason it’s not working for me.

What I do like.
The show is very nice looking. It seems to look better with each episode and I’m finding it hard to resist the introduction of the cool new gadgets each week: kinos, bad ass space suits, intuitive ship, remote controlled DHD. The are also two characters that I’m attached too: Colonel Everett Young and Master Sergeant Ronald Greer. Young has a grumpiness that I’m responding to. He’s trying to keep it all together but it seems like he’s on the edge. …and he’s handsome. Greer surprises me every episode. I expected him to be “unfortunately stereotypical” but he’s firm, loyal, funny and smart when he needs to be. …and he’s handsome. I really like First Lieutenant Tamara Johansen as well. She really shined in the latest episode, Water. She’s seems like a less perfect Sam Carter which I find a little refreshing. I initially watched the show for yhe Lou Diamond Phillips character, Colonel David Telford but he’s a guest star and not a regular. It was a huge disappointment but I’ll take what I can get. It’s good seeing him.

I don’t mind the romance or the drama because honestly, nothing is as heavy on the sci-fi drama as Defying Gravity. If I can end up loving that show, there is hope for me and Stargate Universe. I just hope they don’t resort to cheap shock-jock tricks just to piss off the audience.

What is the sexism thing about? (Or fans can be assholes)
When I heard that some folks were going around calling SGU sexist, I was confused. I just don’t see it. When I heard that some of the cast and crew were upset at what folks on the internet were saying about the show, I was equally confused.
#1) Since when did actors and writers, etc pay attention to fans?
#2) I think because actors and writers, etc don’t listen to the fans is one of the reasons that people feel they can get away with saying crazy stuff. Here’s a bit of advice though, if a fans say something negative and don’t leave a real email address, have a website, picture or is otherwise anonymous, don’t listen to them because they are cowards and don’t deserve your attention.
#3) Sexist? If no one has called Dollhouse or Battlestar Galactica sexist, you damned sure can’t call SGU sexist. In other words, STFU!
#4) Actors, writers, producers do pay attention to the fans and they even read our blogs. In the past, I’ve said some insensitive things about actors, shows, etc. and I’ve had a couple call me out on it. I felt bad both times and apologized.
#5) You don’t want a bunch of adoring yes men. I’m not saying change stuff to please us because that would be weak but don’t dismiss everything we say either.

With the seemingly hostile television environment, I feel it’s risky that Stargate Universe seems like it needs time to grow on the audience. Ten years ago, shows had time to grow and find it’s place. It’s no longer like that. It seems like SGU should have burst out of the gate with a stronger introduction in order keep viewers interested. Character development is key but if they audience doesn’t care then all of that hard work is in vain. I will say that those guys have been doing this for years and they know more about what they are doing more that I do so here’s hoping that Stargate Universe has a long run!

Stargate Universe airs every Friday @ 9/8c on SyFy.
Stargate Universe on SyFy
Stargate Universe on MGM
Stargate Universe on IMBD
Stargate Universe on Wiki