Eric (@Bullitt33), the awesome producer and co-host of the Sci-Fi Party Line Podcast has launched a side project called Doctor Who: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Whoverse.

Actually, Eric started this project WAY before he met me. These mini-audio pieces have actually appeared on Doctor Who: Podshock on several occasions. Recently, he decided to put all of the files into one feed at So far there are only a handful of episode but Eric promises to keep it updated. I think it’s cool because Eric uses a pretty convincing British accent. (convincing to an American ear) Let’s start a beg campaign to get Eric to use a British accent on Sci-Fi Party Line!

By the way, Eric will be attending Gallifrey 2010 | Gallifrey One: Blackjack 21. He *may* be sending updates and photos so pay attention to HHG2W @ Tumblr or SciFi Party Line @ Tumblr or