Of course if Anna wants you, she wants to tag you, change your DNA or mate with you then eat you. …at least you’ll die in bliss.

Before V went on the LONG break, I was an excited and devoted fan girl. I remember watching the original mini-series as a kid and was excited to see it return. V made a BIG four-episode splash then went on a hiatus that sucked all of the momentum out of the show. To be honest, I forgot it’s return date. To add insult to injury, I thought the return was mediocre. I had almost lost my once almost rabid enthusiasm.

Another thing I forgot about was the amount of energy that V put into promoting the show. I forgot about the billboards, the advertisements and my most favorite all, of the websites that made it look like we could really join the visitors such as http://VisitorAmbassadors.com. During the first V splash, I got put on a list and was sent a pre-air copy of the finale, “It’s Only The Beginning”. Here’s that giddy review.

As if sensing my lack of enthusiasm, I received a mysterious package on my door step yesterday morning. I opened it to see a “Visitors’ Peace Ambassador Program” package. It was like science fiction Christmas. Included were some a V propaganda brochure, some leaflets, a pre-air of tomorrow’s episode “Pound of Flesh” and my favorite, an awesome V t-shirt with a V button! Because we had to wait what seems like FOREVER to get a new episode, I had forgotten how exciting the promotions team made the show. Someone, somewhere really wants this show to succeed and I am ecstatic that this much care is going into a science fiction show. Whoever you are, keep up the good work!

Some people were not happy about some of the promotions for the show. There was a countdown clock to the return of V that showed on the bottom of the screen during Lost. Colbert and Letterman mocked the countdown and Lost fans were furious. I think the only reason that people noticed the countdown clock is because that particular episode of Lost was extremely lackluster compared to last week’s “Ab Aeterno“. I watched that Lost episode and I was so focused on Lost that I barely noticed the countdown clock. I think people over-reacted. I also hate to admit it, I’m glad the countdown clock was there. If it weren’t, I probably would have forgotten about V‘s return. I know… sad but that break was brutal.

Check out more of the package below. Click on the pictures for larger images.

NEXT WEEK’S EPISODE: “Pound of Flesh” (No Spoilers!)

While I was a little bored with the V re-premiere because it felt disconnected with no momentum and just didn’t do it for me, the second episode seems to pick up the pace a bit more. Last week, Morris Chestnut as Ryan gave a compelling speech that made me remember why I liked the show. The appearance of the first rat for food amused me. Anna’s “mating” scene was disturbing… I didn’t realize that lizards had teeth like that. Tonight’s episode feels more connected and I start to care about the characters again. …of course, mainly the hot, studness that is Ryan. I won’t spoil you but I will say that the pregnancy gets more intense, the Fifth Column gets bolder and we see guest stars that we love from Supernatural and X-Files!

Until tonight my friends. We are of peace, always.

‘V’ airs Tuesdays 10/9 c on ABC.
V on ABC website