Check out some of the latest sci-fi news stories: (02/22/2010)
Seriously Andrew Koenig, I hope you make it home safe. Sure I don’t know him but Andrew missing since Feb. 14th has me worried.
Police Helping In Search For Andrew Koenig (via Airlock Alpha)
I am really surprised that Supernatural was renewed especially since they billed this season as the final season. I’m really glad that I’m going to see the Winchester boys for another year but I’m concerned about it holding my interest. I have faith though.
Vampire Diaries, Supernatural Receive Early Renewals (via Airlock Alpha)
If you were a hardcore internet & Star Trek fan back in the 90’s, you know about Jammer’s Reviews. He’s now reviewing Caprica!
Jammer’s Caprica Reviews
I get migraines a lot; especially from movies. Surprisingly, I didn’t get one from watching the 3-D version of Avatar.
Science Proves 3-D Movies Hurt Your Brain (via io9)
BEST SCI-FI NEWS STORY! Mitt Romney is running around Vulcan neck pinching people!
Rapper says politician used Vulcan grip on him in airplane fight (via SciFi Wire)
Prequel? Ok…
James Cameron Penning the Prequel of Avatar (via SciFi Scoop)
Final five Cylon Sam Anders joins V!
Trucco Joins āVā (via Slice of SciFi)
I just know this guy will play Dracula at some point.
Mark Strong Opts for the Green Lantern Forehead Extension (via Topless Robot)
WAY OT: The Old Spice commericial! Just because I love it so much; Look at your man, then back to me… The tickets are now diamonds… I’m on a horse!