I want Nathan Stark back. There, I said it. It’s out of the way.
The second half of the fourth season blasts off in only a way that Eureka can. In ‘Lift Off’, Fargo and Zane accidentally launch a rocket into space and almost get themselves killed and the ISS destroyed. Missiles were launched, ion dampeners were stolen, and clouds were excited with the end result of Fargo giving a death bed (death rocket?) confession to Zane about Jo and the new timeline. On the ground Allison and Jack were kissy-faced love bunnies until she went into season one Global Dynamitrix-mode. It was good to see Allison back in control of GD even if it was temporary. I miss her. That wasn’t the only wackiness, the episode Sheriff Andy and S.A.R.A.H. decided to get married but S.A.R.A.H. called it off at the last minute. I had theorized that Felicia Day was going to be a S.A.R.A.H. avatar. I guessed that perhaps S.A.R.A.H. called off the wedding with Sheriff Andy because she didn’t have a body. I was wrong about Felicia Day but it would be cool to see S.A.R.A.H. with an avatar.
Felicia Day is one of three geek appearance in Eureka. The second is Ming Na. She’s going to be our Bitchy Bureaucrat of the season. She sends Felicia Day’s character, Holly Marten to investigate Fargo in ‘Reprise’. Fargo zaps Holly with his FTL drive. Kevin steals Jack’s car to investigate. Zane burns Jo’s house down. Jo shoots Jack… well almost shoots him. To top it all off Henry and Grace create a way to freeze time. All of this happens because Eureka’s city-wide music server is infected with hypnotic suggestion software. Allison missed all of this madness because she was abducted by our resident crazy cat lady sociopath Beverly Barlowe. Allison thinks she was saving a man’s life but she really underwent some sort of Total Recall experience while Beverly injected her with some evil nanobot.
Our third geek appearance is no other than Wil Wheaton. He’s been getting a lot of roles as an asshole genius and I love it. It’s like he’s getting his revenge for all of those Wesley Crusher jokes. In ‘Glimpse’ everyone is Eureka is abuzz about the Titan mission. Fargo was rewarded with a mission to use his FTL drive. He asks Holly to join him choosing candidates. Jo and Jack are outfitted with PALS contacts. They are heads up displays that alert them of potential threats. The PALS system was being overloaded by Fargo’s unauthorized use of PALS and almost blew up Eureka. Typical right?
Eureka is a lot of fun to watch. The characters are 100% of why this show works. It’s a diverse cast, it’s science, it’s love.
Eureka airs Monday nights at 8/7C on Syfy.
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